Marketers, Strategists, Fundraisers always specialize in two things Acquisition and Retention. the foremost fundamental ingredient is that the Audience with whom we try to determine the connection about our product/ Issue/ Causes.
While the whole world is adapting to a replacement ecosystem thanks to this pandemic the business both for-profit and non for profit is additionally adapting to new challenges while it’ll be inhuman to consider your business to possess an excellent sale or do fund-raising but it’ll vital to see your machinery ( systems) weather they’re optimized for the new normal or not.
While I write this content my few friends are struggling to seek out oxygen cylinders or beds in various cities. I’m tackling the medical emergencies of my very own parents and that I also felt that I should be sharing a bit of data that will or may bring some strength to my lot of friends who are managing business/ Fundraising portfolios who face a downward graph of revenue generation thanks to this global pandemic.
As a Retail fundraising strategist, I think we’d like to vary our retail strategies towards a more efficient and low-cost model.
I give it a Name as HYBRID MODEL– If you are already doing it then please share your results with us and if you have not done it yet then look at the image above which might change your results.
Are you doing anything like this?
Letzrise consultancy services bring in end-to-end services related to the Hybrid model of retail marketing. Write back to us at